thats my point too!
i signed! however banning them is a bit harshthere should be a seperate portal for spam people though just make sure they can only post in a spam area
is a nicer alternative
Meh, I'll eat your soul... Users that <3 me: Haley87, Billy44 Andrea364 (well, she doesn't exactly <3 me, but she does lecture me)
Age 35, Male
Grim Reaper
The Circle of Hell
Joined on 7/23/07
thats my point too!
i signed! however banning them is a bit harshthere should be a seperate portal for spam people though just make sure they can only post in a spam area
is a nicer alternative
No no, I agree with Sekhem.
So screw you Billy-Bean.
The ZX Zealots will sign the petition.
Stfu Sekhem.
Now I'm signing it because there's an uncountable amount of spam flashes all over NG.
Yes this is the internet but we can't have movie space wasted on spam.